
NorIce - Moving On

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Literature Text

Iceland stood by himself on the terrace, isolated from everyone else except for Mr. Puffin. The sky was beautiful. The stars twinkled, making them really look like gems of some sort. They illuminated and gave beauty to the blank and dark night sky. The breeze gusted on Iceland's face; his hair blowing over his eyes, which annoyed him so. It was awfully cold that night. The little silver haired boy shivered and hugged himself to get some warmth. He was lonesome, away from all the other Nordics who were probably partying downstairs yet again. But then again, he never really enjoyed those parties. Staying by himself with the comfort of Mr. Puffin was better, anyway. He was there for Iceland---Or not. Mr. Puffin had fallen asleep his shoulders, making Iceland feel even lonelier. How he missed Hong Kong.

The fact that Hong Kong was an Asian country and that he was a Nordic concerned him.  Communication between the two was harder considering how far they were from each other. In fact, he was starting to become paranoid and he started thinking that Hong Kong was cheating on him with that South Korea. They weren't together, of course. That thought was just a product of Iceland's paranoia. But then again, Hong Kong has been spending lots of time with South Korea lately. Since they're both Asian countries, it would be easier for them to spend time together. These thoughts upset Iceland even further. He shook his head. He didn't want to feel miserable and useless. Well at least, not right now. He tried not to think about it, even if the thought engrossed him.

He just looked back up at the sky, the starry sky, his head still filled with thoughts of Hong Kong... And strangely, thoughts of his brother, Norway. He groaned. Why was he making this so hard for himself? Hong Kong really better not be cheating on me, he thought. And that Denmark---don't even get me started with that Denmark! Stealing my brother like that---Wait! Why do I care? I DO NOT CARE. I don't care about Denmark, even more so with Norway! I should really be thinking of Hong Kong... Why am I thinking of that Norway? Do I still love him? It can't be. I don't love him; as a brother, probably. But as a---

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Iceland's thoughts were interrupted by that one voice. Hearing that voice made him feel so happy all of the sudden. It made him feel less lonely for some reason. He looked over to his left where he heard the ever-so-familiar voice. And there he was, standing before him was Norway. Iceland just nodded and stared at the blonde before him. "I missed you." Norway said, flashing a charming smile at the younger nation. Iceland continued to stare at him weirdly, and Norway returned the stares with an emotionless face. "Did you not miss me, brother?" He asked to break the silence. Iceland knit his eyebrows. Of course I did, you dolt.

"Well, I-I really... I didn't really... I... I..." He mumbled, then shaking his head defensively. Iceland looked back up the sky, in an attempt to hide the light pink shade that formed on his cheeks. He could hear Norway pretending to sigh dramatically next to him. "I'll take that as a 'no' then." He said. Iceland could sense that in the tone of Norway's voice that he wasn't really hurt. "Why did you go away from the party anyway?" Iceland asked, still not facing his brother. "Well, honestly, I got bored." That was such a predictable answer. Iceland just nodded and accepted that answer. "And besides, I thought my little brother would be lonely up here." He added. Iceland could feel his cheeks heat up again. "O-Oh, really? I thought you'd be having a blast with Denmark."

Norway raised an eyebrow. Was he jealous? I thought he was with that Hong Kong dude. Hmmm... Strange. "Not actually. He gets really annoying sometimes. But when you love someone---" When Norway said this, Iceland's expression got darker and sadder. Norway became aware of this and just stopped. He figured it would be better to talk about Iceland's relationship with Hong Kong. "So... How are things with you and Hong Kong?" But alas, Iceland's expression didn't get any brighter. "Not so good. I think he's cheating on me..." He said, looking down at his feet with unhappiness. "Hong Kong's cheating on you...? Now why would you think---"  

"That's a long story." Iceland cut Norway off. Norway knew it would be best to not push the matter onward since Iceland was so sensitive about this, and so he didn't ask any other questions about that Hong Kong problem. The two stood in awkward silence. They were used to that awkward silence. They grew distant from one another ever since Denmark and Hong Kong. Iceland heaved a sigh. As much as he wanted his brother's company, it didn't mean he actually enjoyed it. It was uncomfortable, and there was this feeling in Iceland urging him to confess, but he was afraid of rejection. He was afraid that Norway didn't reciprocate the same feelings he had for him. Apparently, Norway noticed Iceland's dire mood, and decided it would be best to leave.

"What? Am I making your mood worse? I'm sorry, brother I'll---" Before Norway could even finish, Iceland held onto Norway's hand, not allowing him to leave. Norway was prepared to leave, but Iceland's hand stopping him from doing so. Screw that, I'm confessing. "I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have any feelings for you anymore." Iceland started. Norway was surprised about how forward and open Iceland was being. Iceland wasn't like this at all. He'd keep all of his feelings to himself, shut away from all the others, but now he was actually confessing. Norway was completely dumbstruck. He just stood there, looking at his brother, his eyes widened by shock. But soon, Norway's face softened up and returned to his usual nonchalant look. "To be honest, I still haven't moved on. I never have." Iceland continued.

Iceland looked at Norway for a while, shaking with fear. He wanted Norway to feel the same, but there was a chance he didn't. Norway's mouth curved into a small smile. "Me too, little brother." He said. Iceland tried to hide the happiness he felt when he heard that. "I-I'd break up with Hong Kong for you... Would you do the same?" Iceland asked, still avoiding Norway's gaze, and still very nervous. "Me? Breaking up with Hong Kong...?"

"NO!" Iceland yelled. Seriously, how stupid and insensitive can he get? "I meant with Denmark!" He looked at Norway, anger gracing his face. The anger didn't last long. He just observed Norway. He looked pretty for a guy. He wasn't wearing that sailor hat, but honestly Iceland found that hat cute. Parts of Norway's hair were clipped up with the cross-shaped barrette, and the rest falling on his face. And there were those beautiful violet eyes that hypnotized Iceland whenever he looked into them; he was indeed pretty. Iceland has been told he's pretty as well by Hong Kong and Norway and a few others who probably wanted to tease him about looking girly. It's probably because he had a girlish figure and that he was all girly-looking and things, but Norway was girly too. Iceland's thoughts were then interrupted by Norway's voice. "For my little brother? Of course." Even if Norway had said that, Iceland continued to stare at Norway with disbelief. He still really think that Norway loved Denmark.


Norway sighed. Why was he asking so many questions? "Because I love you, little brother." He said, another gentle smile forming on his face. Iceland turned his whole body to face Norway completely, making Mr. Puffin wake up and fly away. Iceland, trying to look un-girly and weak, swiftly hugged him. Norway lovingly ran his hand through Iceland's silver hair and inhaled his familiar 'Iceland' scent. He used his other arm to hug Iceland. Iceland was nuzzling his face in Norway's chest, but soon looked up to his brother, who was as always, smiling at him. For a moment, they stared in each other's eyes, and then Norway crashed his lips on Iceland's. The kiss was short-lived, yet magical. Unfortunately, their 'brotherly bonding' was interrupted by a certain spiky-haired blonde who came running to Norway. "Norge! Norge! Come on! Come with me! Come with me!" Denmark shouted. He was jumping up and down with excitement. He was acting like a child, as usual. "With Iceland, right?" Norway asked, pulling away from the hug. Iceland looked disappointed at that. Stupid Denmark. Ruining the moment...

Denmark rolled his eyes and sighed. He was hoping for more of a 'me-and-Norge-only' time, but seeing that Norway wasn't going to come with him without Iceland he nodded. "Fine." He said, bitterly. "Okay. We'll follow. Go ahead." Norway said. Denmark grumbled and made his way back downstairs. The two brothers giggled at the sight of the angry Dane. Iceland wasn't at all hurt that Denmark didn't want him with. "What would he want to show you?" Iceland asked. Norway just shrugged. He peered down the terrace. "Heh. Sweden's setting some fireworks. The ones your boyfriend sent you." He said, obviously implying to the fireworks Hong Kong sent Iceland. "Let's watch."

But Norway stayed there next to Iceland, looking down the terrace, waiting for the fireworks with excitement. Nevertheless, the excitement didn't show in his face, as usual. Iceland knit his eyebrows in confusion. He thought that they were going downstairs to watch the fireworks with Denmark. "Why are we staying here? Denmark asked you to go down." Iceland said strictly, crossing his arms.

"Whatever." Norway replied, his eyes still fixed on Sweden, who was setting up the fireworks. Denmark, Finland and Sealand were down there too. Norway and Iceland were the only ones settling up on the balcony. He then looked back at Iceland and smiled. "And besides, it's way more romantic when it's just us two, right?"
My first one-shot. Sample writing. SUPER rushed. (Sorryyy...)

Uhh... The story is like, uh... Something like this:

Norway is in a relationship with Denmark, and Iceland with Hong Kong. But why don't they seem satisfied? Why aren't they happy? Could it be that they'd soon realize that they'd rather be with each other all this time?

Yeah. Something like that.

I have a real account, but I was too embarrassed to post it there. >.>"

I might post it if people find it good enough. XD
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